Newsletter #1 [English]
Hi there! 🍪
There's no better time than a nth lockdown to get us back on our feet and revive our projects with this first yummy newsletter! An opportunity to stay in touch and tell you about our upcoming events. And for most of them, you'll be able to participate from your home.
In this newsletter:
- the productions from the collective at Revision,
- the next live coding jam on Friday Apr 16,
- Lime's talk on (what else?) live coding on Tuesday Apr 20,
- Flopine's talk on demoscene and shader coding on Monday Apr 26,
- Shadow Party in May,
- NØ SCHOOL Nevers in June-July.
Subscribe to our newsletter to know about our latest news. Comments and suggestions are welcome at our contact address.
GL☉ & Koltes
Revision Demoparty (weekend of April 2-5)

As every year, demoscene community gathered during Easter weekend at the Revision, the largest demoparty worldwide. As physical gatherings are still difficult, the event started on Twitch, and because it got banned in the middle of a competition, the Chaos Computer Club, famous German hacker organization, thankfully hosted it until the end.
A great acknowledgement goes to Diffty, core organizer of the Shader Showdown, responsible for the live stream!
Flopine participated in the Shader Showdown up to the semi finals, and commented other battles.
NuSan presented Red Crash, ranked first in 4k Executable Graphics. He also jam-coded a shader during Lynn's live act.

Just behind, TDHooper presented You Are Here, ranked second in 4k Executable Graphics.

TDHooper also presented Inside, the new Outside!, ranked first in Animated GIF.

Alkama and the group Spectrals presented Arcade, ranked first in PC Demo.
All Revision productions are on Demozoo.
Live coding jam (Friday, April 16)

We have the honor of making our next live coding jam as the closing event of the online exhibition Recto VRso, dedicated to digital art pieces with virtual/mixed reality technologies.
The jam will occur on Friday April 16, starting at 5:30 PM CEST. It's open to anyone, and we invite all artists to join. You, over there! Yes, you! Come onto our Discord, we'll give you instructions to set up the tools, and we'll chat there during the event.
The jam has two components:
- the visual part will rely on GLSL shaders. For that, we'll use Bonzomatic, augmented with network by NuSan.
- the audio part will use FoxDot or TidalCycles pads, which allow quite easily designing musical loops with synthesizers and samples.
Both will be broadcasted on YouTube (visuals / audio) starting at 5:30 PM. In order to experience the whole festival, grab the Laval Virtual World app (Windows / Mac), jam will be screened in the Campus > Beach area from 5:30 to 7:00 PM.
Lime's talk: Live Coding, Algorave, Collective (Tuesday, April 20)

Lime will participate in an online conference about Live Coding. She will present her personal experience with this art practice, then her relationship with the Cookie Collective. The evening will end with a small audio jam using TidalCycles.
More info about the conference.
The conference is part of the Electropia online festival, dedicated to electronic musics, from April 19 to 23.
Flopine's talk: Demoscene, Shader Coding (Monday, April 26)

Flopine will hold an online presentation, whose actual title is "The Art of Code Wrestling in the Demoscene – Size Limited Masterpieces and Live Shader Coding". She will therefore introduce the demoscene, then host a masterclass on shader coding.
Shadow Party (weekend of May 21-23)

The next demoparty in France will take place online. We'll surely organize a live coding jam during the event.
NØ SCHOOL Nevers (from June 28 to July 10)

Summer school bringing art and activism together, over two weeks and with more than twenty speakers.
Afalfl will be one of them, and will present his musical activities and his political commitment.
The collective has also been invited to set up a live coding jam, in order to close the summer school on Saturday July 10 from 10:00 PM.